Organising Document

Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii is a not-for-profit organization formed in the State of Hawaii to study the teachings of the Guru as well as discuss the teachings with attendees in an open traditional forum. Siri Guru Granth Sahib, or the teachings of Guru Nanak, will be established on premises in traditional form.

Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii, true to its name, is designed to be the doorway to reach the Guru and teachings of Guru Granth Sahib for spreading the spirit of goodwill, service to society and help the needy.

Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii, will adhere to the traditions of the Sikh faith which was started by him in 1469.

Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii, will maintain the basic tenants of dietary restrictions of any Gurudwara specifically: no alcohol is allowed on premises, and all food cooked is traditional vegetarian where meat, fish or eggs are prohibited on premises.

Raag or the classical music as sung by Guru Nanak will be played on premises in adherence to the traditions of all Gurudwaras worldwide. This may be played through recordings or in person by trained classical musicians.

Contributions, monetary or in kind, made to the Guru Nanak Gurudwara will be used for the daily maintenance of the premises and the House of the Guru. Excess funds will be used for community upliftment programs as decided by the Board of Directors.

Books with the teachings of Guru Nanak will be available on premises for personal study. These books will not be allowed to be taken off premises.

The costs of Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii’s activities are supported by contributions as well as fundraising.

Funds are required for the following items:
a. Honorariums for invited Raagi or Classical musicians who sing the words of Guru Nanak as per prescribed tradition of Classical Raag as well as Granthi or professors of GuruNanak’s teachings.
b. Advertising.
c. Purchase of books for the library.
d. Insurance costs.
e. Maintenance of premises.

All funds are to be held in a special bank account in the name of Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii.

The account is open for review by board members as required.
As the bank balance goes higher than $5,000 copies of quarterly statements and bank reporting will be posted online and on premises for public review. All accounting will be posted on premises and will be open for review by public attendees or online.

Fundraising will be done continuously as need arises and may begin at the outset.

Since a large amount of work is conducted on a voluntary basis, it is expected that most of the funds required at the outset are marginal. As and when the time arises for fundraising, it will be done by grant writing, active mail, and phone requests as well as via the Internet. Personal contact and personal requests by the board will be encouraged, but not mandatory to serve on the board. Any funds raised are for the explicit purposes of Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii, and are not to be used to fund any other organization, nor their activities.

Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii, will actively seek an endowment after it is well established, and a steady track record has been developed. this endowment is for the purpose of paying interest of the endowment for invited speakers/ Raagi or Classical Musicians or teachers. The interest from the endowment will be used only for the activities of Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii, and are not to be used to fund any other organization nor the activities of any other organization.

Directors or board members of the House of the Guru premises for Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii will resign when they are unable to meet their duties due to age or ill health. At that time new directors or board members will be selected.

No compensation is given to any director or board member or official of Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii. This is specifically designed to avoid any conflict of interest of any kind.

Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii cannot be used by board members to further their own personal causes or interests. However, events such as celebrations, a giving of thanks, weddings, births, anniversaries and other such family events in which the Grace of the Guru is sought and celebrated may be held by board members or the public as often as desired.

Children activities are to be encouraged on premises of the House of the Guru of Guru Nanak Gurudwara, Hawaii to help them grow to become responsible citizens to serve and benefit society.